
Sportex DNA CS-2 Distance Rod Test

New – carp rod Sportex DNA CS-2 Distance 3-5 oz. To test this rod, we invited some of the best carp anglers in Lithuania<!–more–>, including the long-casting record holder Rimantas Kičas, as well as the members of the national team Mantas Staškus and Justas Barakauskas, who have (according to sports by the standards of Lithuania) the average long-casting technique. According to the results of this test, you will be able to clearly see that it is primarily a person who casts, and the rod is a tool in his hands, albeit a very important one. It was this tool that surprised me, first of all, that with a high test (you will see with which lead this blank works best), a really powerful blank and a very significant range potential (we have several casts at 200+ meters here on the test) – it is not uncomfortable and too stiff, which allow people with regular physical data to work with it and not get tired quickly when you have to work for several days in a row. This is a very good option if you are looking for a rod to fish in difficult conditions or to break the wind with confidence, and at the same time work comfortably.

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